Thursday, April 4, 2013

TED Talk

I would just like to start off by saying this has been an incredible week. I am so, so impressed by the diverse passions that my fellow classmates have thrown themselves into these past seven weeks and every single presentation I learned something new. I love this project. And I really hope, Mr. Perlman and Mr. McDaniels, that this project will be incorperated into the Gifted curriculum in the future, because it was probably the most fun I have ever had doing a "school project".

I want to admit a little secret.

In fact, it's something that I've never told any of my friends, in fear that they would think me crazy. Which I probably am.

I actually....kind of enjoy presenting. I kind of enjoy being able to share something in front of a bunch of people and just talk with them. I love that moment on stage when everyone looks up at you expectantly, and you can either wither under their stares or rise up to the occassion and try your best to give the best possible speech you can.

So did I give the best possible speech I could? Well, I honestly think this was not my best presentation. I tried to memorize my notes, but with the spotlight on me, I think I reverted back to looking down at my notecards a little more than usual. I could have given a bit more detail about the organization of my project (the whole theme thing may have been confusing) and my process. I could have engaged the audience more. I did spend a lot of time editing my script though, so I hope at least I was able to get my message across, and that my passion for photography really came through in my talk.

So overall:

Delivery:  14,5/15
Process:    9/10
Preparation:   4.5/5

Total: 28/30 (93%)

Not bad. But always an opportunity to improve. Still, I think whatever grade I do get for this project doesn't overshadow the fact that I have gained this incredibly awesome hobby :) I must thank the Genius Project for helping me discover it.

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